Pilot Lucien D'sa - Zanzibar

Saturday, 20 February 2021


Dear SJCS Members,

Re: Pilot Lucien d'SA - SJCS Zanzibar

It gives me much pleasure to share this interesting reading with you all, from one of our own SJCS pupils from our hometown Zanzibar, proudly introducing Lucien d'SA - Pilot and much more if I am allowed to publish.

Please do not fail to read two attached documents below sent in PDF format. Thanks.

Best Regards,


Hi Benny
Many thanks for your kind words. My interest in aviation was kindled in Zanzibar and I often cycled to the airport to see the East African Airways ‘Dakotas’ land in the evening and take-off before dark. I even managed to sneak planes into my compositions! Sr. Bernarda was very patient and tolerant with some of my insensitive references to ‘ bombing German cities ‘ politely reminding me that there were other subjects I could write about. You may certainly forward the information and a couple of articles describing our adventure, if you wish.

I spend much of the year travelling with my wife Caroline but COVID-19 put a temporary stop to that. On one trip, I literally ‘bumped’ into Mervyn Nunes in Arusha, who had organised the local tour for the company we were travelling with.

I missed the reunion in Goa and hope I can make the next one.

My best wishes to you and Betty.


Hi Lucien,


Thank you so much for your exciting message of your dream achievement.

CONGRATULATIONS to learn you piloted a plane to Zanzibar in 2019. This is certainly a great achievement and we all Zanzibari' folks will be very proud of you.

Once again Betty & I are very proud of you especially knowing you from our schooldays. You have achieved everything and pleased to learn you and your family are all well.

We have a St. Joseph's Convent School Zanzibar website which helps keep our folks in contact.

P.S. Our school folks (your ex-class mates) would very much love hear about your achievement flying a plant to Zanzibar - certainly a dream). They would love to hear this news and see your GROUP photograph enclosed.. If you do not mind and only with your permission I would love to forward your achievement to all our folks on the SJCSZ website. This news will bring joy to all your friends.

I look forward to your response and once again take this opportunity to congratulate you. Many thanks.


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Hi Benny

Was good hearing from you too.

Have so many memories ( including the one you mention and Lloyd climbing up a flagpole in fright ) of our early years in Zanzibar and camping with the 11th Zanzibar Troop on the island and on the mainland. Such happy days

I will have to study the images you sent more closely to ID myself. I guess it must be in the group photo with Fr. Connelly.

Achieved a lifetime ambition in 2019 to pilot a plane to Zanzibar with a group of South Africans on a 3000km Air Safari from Jo’burg. After over half a century away, I navigated with ease around Stonetown although everything looked so close-by.

We are all well and hope you are all well too.



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