Holy Mass for the Deceased

Joanita's Post

On Saturday, November 4, 2023, 12:56 PM, 'Jo Birkmeyer' via Tanzanite 2020 <tgoans@googlegroups.com> wrote:
To the Memorial Mass Team - Thank you for organizing another very touching remembrance mass for all the members of our community who departed over the year since the last Remembrance Mass. Much appreciated.
Our SJCSZ community lost many this year and this ceremony helped ease the grief of our loss and reminded us that we should celebrate the good memories we made with them during the time we spent with them.

To our Zanzibaris - here's a list of those who left us since the last mass on November 7, 2022 organized by Claude and his team. If I missed anyone please add their name(s) to this list.  * were not SJCSZ but beloved members of our community.

May they all Rest in Peace in the Spirit World.


Annual Remembrance of the Dead 

Anthony Lawrence Safi (Nove 2022)*
Elizabeth De Silva (Nov 2022)
Quitty Coutinho (Dec 2022)
Elizabeth Pinhero DeSouza (Jan 2023)*
Merwyn Nunes (Jan 2023)
Sr. Gemma (Jan 2023) *
Eireen Bhumgara Talati (Jan 2023)
Cynthia (Cindy) De Goa (Jan 2023)*
Histi Bhumgara (Mar 2023)
Mzee Adnan /Bwana Ali Bajia ((Mar 2023)*
Joan Tamatave ((May 2023)*
Oliver Fernandes (Aug 2023)
Domingo Fernandes (Aug 2023)
Alex Caldeira (Aug 2023)
Felix Fernandes (Aug 2023)
Martha DeSouza (Sept 2023)
Justina Pereira (Sept 2023)
Lira Mascarenhas (Sept 2023)*
Olavio Martins (Oct 2023)
Francis Fernandes (Oct 2023)
Marie Correia (Oct 2023)
= = = = = = = = = = = = = 
Hello Folks - Sorry this is so late. The Annual Mass to Remember those who passed on to the Spirit World since last November is scheduled for tomorrow.

Here are the details.

Rest in Peace dear Friends.



 Please Click on the link below to view.

On Saturday, November 4, 2023, 6:03 PM, Yvette Muise <ymmuise@gmail.com> wrote:
Thank you Joanita, for the information regarding the Mass live-streaming today, on the heels of the Tanzanite reunion of last week. I attended both the beautiful ceremonies from Nova Scotia Canada via my computer.

Our dearly departed Zanzibaris , including all our beloved parents, earlier, and my husband Mike whom God called in 2020, are now in heaven in the bosom of Our Lord where they are enjoying eternal rest and Light, and perpetual care … into eternity. Love you All.

Condolences to All of you  who lost loved ones this past year. My heart is with you. Stay strong. Stay brave. God loves you/us All.
God bless, and much love.
Yvette de Souza-Muise 


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